How to hack Wi-Fi Password with Dumpper and Jumpstart in windows :
We can hack easily any Wi-Fi passwords in Linux, but in windows it’s difficult to do. The following tutorial will guide you properly how to hack wi-fi password in windows with using Dumpper and Jumpstart. First of all, you need to understand types of Wi-Fi Encryptions.
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) : This is the most basic form of encryption. This has become an unsafe option as it is vulnerable and can be cracked with relative ease. Although this is the case many people still use this encryption.
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) : This is the more secure alternative. Efficient cracking of the passphrase of such a network requires the use of a wordlist with the common passwords. In other words you use the old-fashioned method of trial and error to gain access. Variations include WPA-2 which is the most secure encryption alternative till date. Although this can also be cracked using a wordlist if the password is common, this is virtually uncrackable with a strong password. That is, unless the WPA PIN is still enabled (as is the default on many routers).
Step 1 : Download Dumpper :
Changelog :
- Wps: Added mac compatible with ComputePIN algorithm: E0: 41: 36 (MOVISTAR_XXXX)
- Wps: Added mac compatible with ComputePIN algorithm: 50: A7: 2B (Orange-XXXX)
- Wps: Added mac compatible with ComputePIN algorithm: 68: A0: F6 (Orange-XXXX)
- Wps: Added mac compatible with ComputePIN algorithm: F4: 8E: 92 (Orange-XXXX)
- Wps: Added mac compatible with ComputePIN algorithm: 84: DB: AC (Orange-XXXX)