Driver Easy is a driver tool developed by Easeware Technology. Supported by over 3,000,000+ hardware driver database, Driver Easy gives customers fast access to the latest driver versions using a driver scanner that compares the drivers in the database with the drivers on your computer, and then update old driver versions if needed. Driver Easy is easy to use and you don’t need to know anything about PC drivers, to use Driver Easy.
What's new ?
How to Crack ?
1. Download and install the software
2. Copy "Easeware.Driver.Core.dll" from crack folder to installation directory (C:\Program Files\Easeware\DriverEasy)
Download Links : (Wait 2 x 3 seconds)
What's new ?
- Changed the description of Driver Status displayed in the main interface
- Changed the text displayed in top of the Update page
- Improved the “i” icon to be clickable to see detailed driver information
- Removed the 3 color driver status indicator, as it may be falsely reported by Symantec (Norton) as misleading information
- Changed some contents displayed in Registration page.
How to Crack ?
1. Download and install the software
2. Copy "Easeware.Driver.Core.dll" from crack folder to installation directory (C:\Program Files\Easeware\DriverEasy)
Screenshot :